A Boston-based Senior UX Writer



A place for words

This little corner of my site has been empty until now. The would-be posts of this blog have found homes in many other places. The pages of countless notebooks. My Gmail drafts. Multi-colored sticky notes all over my desktop. Writer friends, you know how it goes.

Words fill up the majority of my days, since I’m a (fairly) normal human being living in 2017 who consumes content of all types, all the time. Plus, I’m a copywriter. So my job essentially requires that I think about words day in and day out.

Notebooks next to laptop computer

That’s a lot of working with words—absorbing them, piecing them together, choosing the right ones to craft the perfect sentence—but I'm not sick of them just yet. I still have a hunger to write more, read more, and learn more. (It's also usually accompanied by a hunger for chocolate, but I'll save that for another post.) When it comes to actually writing more, reading more, and learning more though, it's easy to get distracted. That’s what is driving me to start using this space now, despite the slight intimidation factor that comes with the idea of “having a blog.”

A few months ago, I did a 30-day yoga challenge. At the end of it, I felt incredibly strong, both physically and mentally. The experience made me realize the benefits that come with setting and reaching a tough but attainable goal. Time to do the same with a consistent writing practice. I’m taking it on as a challenge to write something worth sharing every once in a while here. 

More musings on everything from words to travel to everyday life, coming soon.